NOHC conducted the Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which was prepared under both State and Commonwealth legislation, and which evaluated multiple potential Second Sydney Airport sites options at Badgerys Creek and the Holsworthy Military Training Area.
Aboriginal community consultation, archaeological field survey and site recording, analysis and report production. The archaeological survey conducted for this project remains the largest Aboriginal archaeological field survey program conducted to date within the Sydney Basin. The combined study area consisted of just over 200 square kilometres, of which 74 (35 %) was subject to comprehensive survey using a representative sampling strategy. Sixty- one square kilometres of this area was situated within the rugged and dissected sandstone plateau and gorge country of the Holsworthy military training area. The analysis was based on 946 individual site recordings.
Challenges of this project included the sometimes-rugged terrain, safety issues in relation to UXOs associated with the Holsworthy site, night recordings of rock engraving sites, managing multiple field teams. This work undertaken between 1996-1998 marked the commencement of a long involvement with assessment project related to Sydney’s second airport.